We only charge for parking. It costs £2.25 for one hour (short stay) and £5.25 if you are staying longer. Our machine accepts payment in cash, by card and by mobile phone.
Season tickets
We offer season tickets for the benefit of frequent visitors. These represent a significant saving on our standard charges. Please use the PayPal donate button below. A minimum donation of £40 is required to qualify for a season ticket.
The arboretum and woodlands are open from March 1st to 31st October from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
The walled garden is closed to the general public owing to the condition of some of the structures. Accompanied access is possible by arrangement with the Trustees. We are actively fundraising to reverse this closure.
Parts of the gardens may be closed to visitors for a variety of reasons including: private functions, maintenance or safety. This may happen at short notice so please read the notice board in the car park on arrival. Some areas, in particular the grass walks, and the whole woodland garden may be closed for your safety owing to adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain or high winds. Please observe notices and act accordingly.
Bicycles must be keep to the hard paths/road at all times.
Dogs are welcome but on leads and under control. Dog excrement should be cleared from paths and areas of mown lawn in the interests of hygiene and enjoyment. There are no dog waste disposal facilities in the gardens. Our volunteers should not have to clean up after inconsiderate dog-owners.
No unauthorised vehicles are permitted within the grounds. There is no vehicular access to the shore. All visitors’ vehicles must be left in the car park at the owner’s risk.
Riding or exercising of horses is permitted on the shore and only with prior permission. Horses are not permitted within the arboretum.
Camping or lighting fires anywhere in the grounds or shore is not permitted without prior permission.
If you are disabled and require assistance please call 01988 600789 for advice and guidance. We will do our best to assist but please note we do not have permanent staff.
Visitors using the shore, and particularly those with children, are asked to make themselves aware of tide times and heed changing weather conditions. The shore is a natural environment and may contain hidden dangers so please respect the nature of the surroundings and play it safe at all times. Numerous and various items are washed in with the tide, some possibly hazardous. If in doubt, please do not handle any suspect objects.
Launching or mooring boats between the high and low water marks is strictly by prior arrangement with the landowner.
Parking charges are indicated at the meter in the car park. Any additional donations are welcome. All contributions go directly towards the upkeep of the gardens. Season tickets are encouraged for regular visitors. During busier periods overspill car parking is available on the right hand side of the access road to the gardens. If overspill parking applies, please park responsibly and don’t block gateways or other visitor’s vehicles. Parking charges apply in all cases.
Galloway House and Garlieston House are privately owned. These properties are not open to the public and all visitors are asked to respect owner’s privacy.
Please help protect the natural environment. Keep the gardens and shore tidy and dispose of any litter responsibly.
Warning to visitors: owing to tidal variations, artefacts from the WW2 Mulberry Harbour activities may become partially exposed on the sands from time to time at Rigg Bay. Please be aware these may be sharp, rusty and difficult to see. These items may pose a danger to walkers and/or swimmers. Parents should keep children away from them. Dogs and horses are also at risk.